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Libra Symbol and Constellation
In case you didn’t know, I am into astrology.  I’ve actually been studying it for about 2 years now.  So with that being said today, I will be talking about Libras.  By the way, I actually did a pole on google plus of what zodiac to do.  And at the time of me writing this Libra is winning.  And I will be doing more poles on there to see which zodiac to do next so check that out so you can vote.  So Libras.  If you are a Libra that means your birthday is in between September 23 and October 23.  Libras are the scales.  Literally, Libras are the scales. I’m dead serious their symbol is the scale.  This means that they are fair human beings (wish I could say that about myself)  They don’t like fights or arguments, hate disagreements, and always want to solve problems.  Libras are also very social.  Like there basically that popular kid.  Or I’m completely wrong and they’re actually emo.  Either way, Libras can make friends in a second.  For example, I actually have a friend who is a Libra.  And yes, she is actually emo but like really social.  Like this one time, Because we are both in band we had to go to this middle school from our school as a field trip during the day and a few other schools were there as well.  So me and my other friend are just sitting in the corner just waiting for instructions and we just see her laughing with all these other kids just like HOW DO YOU MAKE FRIENDS THIS FAST???  TEACH ME YOUR WAYS OF LIFE!!!  And yeah...My friend and I were just sitting talking to each other while our other friend had already gotten most of her new friend’s numbers.  Another thing I have noticed about Libras is that they are SUPER chill.  No joke.  Like their just really fun to be around.  “Hey Kara, sorry but I kinda crashed your car the other day I am so sorry I’ll pay for everything” “WAIT!!!  YOU TOOK MY CAR WITHOUT ASKING ME!!!”  “Yeah...Sorry” “Yeah it’s fine you don’t have to pay.”  OK maybe not that chill but they're better than Pisces chill, (No offence) if my friend had taken my car without me knowing….I would have gone INSANE!!!  And probably wrecked my friend’s car for revenge.

Now for some rapid facts about Libras
  • 7th zodiac in the full list
  • Their element is Air
  • The ruling planet is Venus
Good personality traits
  • Caring
  • Fair
  • Charming
  • Intelligent
  • Idealist
  • Social
  • Calm (unlike me)
Bad Personality Traits
  • Gullible
  • Indecisive
  • Flirtatious
  • Changeable (that's a word, right?)

Well, that's it for this post.  If you guys want me to do a specific sign don’t be afraid to ask.  And if you want me to do like a zodiac sign meaning or in-depth explanation of what all this stuff means just say so in the comments.  I’ll see you all next week.  Cheers.


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