My Opinions On Middle School

So next year I am going to 7th grade.  And I don't know about where you live but where I live 7th grade and 8th grade is considered middle school.  Which means next year is my first year of middle school.  (Que dramatic music).  The school I currently go to is from kindergarten to 6th grade. Actually now it's T.K (transitional Kindergarten) to 6th grade.  And I have gone to this school for 7 YEARS NOW.  So as you can see I have been really attached to this school.  My friends and I have known each other since Kindergarten and to think that we are all getting separated and going to different schools next year just breaks my heart.  To think we will never see each other again or talk to each other ever again is just heartbreaking.  And let me read your mind right now….. I see….uh huh... You must be thinking to yourself “But Medha don't you have their numbers or something?  Can't you just call them?”  Pfft.  DO YOU THINK I AM THAT DUMB???   Actually, don’t answer that….  It’s just not the same talking to your friends on the phone.  And before someone goes off and says “But Medha can’t you just make some plans to hang out with your friends?”  LOOK SMARTY PANTS!!!  DO YOU NOT THINK I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF THAT ALREADY!!!  I didn’t mention this in my first post but I’m Asian.  Which means I’ve got Asian parents.  And if anyone out there has Asian parents then you know how strict they are.  99% on a  math test.  DISGRACE TO YOUR FAMILY!!!  Gets in trouble in class.  GETS BEAT WITH A SHOE!!!  1 bad grade in the report card.  KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!  Just kidding.  I might have gone too far with the last one.  But I’m not lying when I say I have never been to a sleepover.  Or that I have never gone to my friend’s house.  And even if I do get to go to their houses it's only for my friends who my parents know.  As they are friends with my friend’s parents.  And guess what.  All my friends I want to hang out with my parents don’t really know their parents.  I might be able to go to the movies with my friends sometimes.  But it's not gonna be the same.  May I remind you that I have known these people for 7 years now.  I have seen them every day for the past 7 years.  Not including summers and weekends of course.  I actually had to write an essay just last week for school about if I am ready for middle school or not, and who I want to give thanks to.  I wrote I wasn’t, and I am pretty sure I was the only one who said they weren’t.  But I didn’t write that I straight up wasn’t.  I’m just not mentally prepared.  And of course when I read it out loud to 3 of my other friends they just laughed at it.  But the teacher did say to be honest and give your opinions and that's what I did.  So all I’m asking for is a good grade for it.  So what should you conclude from this post...My life sucks, and I am mentally unstable.  OTHER THEN THAT, if you have had to make a huge change in your life and have found some ways that have helped you relax and mentally prepared yourself for it please tell me about it.  I can really use some help on how to overcome this.


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