Riverdale Recap Part 1

Alright so yes, YES, I WATCH RIVERDALE. DEAL WITH IT!!! JK. But I actually do watch Riverdale. So this is a season recap for Riverdale. And like the Flash, if you haven’t seen the whole season yet prepared to be spoiled, and I don’t mean the buy you anything you want spoiled. So on with this post.
Now, At the beginning of the first episode of season 2, we start off right where we left of in season 1. Fred dying. What a happy show Riverdale is. So we see a man in a black hood that shoots Fred and Archie looking into his eyes and some other weird shit. Then Archie drives his father to the hospital. And can I just say THANK GOD THEY MADE IT THERE SAFELY!!! Like seriously did you see that scene. His driving was just RECKLESS. I’m surprised that Archie’s driving wasn’t the thing that almost killed Fred. Fast forward a bit. Everyone hears the news and goes to the hospital to see if Fred and Archie are okay. Also, Jughead is a serpent at this point. Now Archie at this point, instead of being a normal person and you know praying and crying about the incident, HE BLAMES HIMSELF FOR THE WHOLE THING. “I know the guy in the mask was the one who shot my father. But I could have been a superhero at that point and saved everyone so its all my fault.” LIKE, BRO!!! If I were you I would be thankful that no one died that night and hope that would never happen again. BUT NO!!! Now, let's focus on Veronica. This season was very interesting for Veronica. In episodes 1-5, we are introduced to Hiram Lodge. Her father. Now Hiram just got out of jail, and Veronica doesn’t know if she should trust him or not. I’m not sure which episode this is in but in one of the episodes, Veronica actually goes to Jughead for advice on whether or not she should trust her father. She ultimately decides to trust him (a huge mistake as we later learn) and help him with business stuff. Now Betty. Betty this season had a lot of interesting events happen to her. She found out who the black hood was, found her brother (not really though), and Polly gave birth to twins. To start off let's talk about Charles. Betty and her mother go to find her brother her mom gave away for adoption when her mom was a teenager or something. They found Chick who was angry with them and stuff and then fast forward a bit he started living with them. Jughead. Jughead this season was wrapped around the serpents. We saw him adjusting to his new school being that outsider to leading the serpents in war. Jughead in the first few episodes is looking for a lawyer to help his father. He runs into Penny Peabody. Who helps him but also doesn’t and creates a much bigger problem in the future. As for the other characters, Josie is working on her career, Cheryl this season is learning much more about herself, and Kevin is as gay as ever.
Okay, guys hope you liked this post, I will be doing other posts for Riverdale going more into the season. And if you want me t do this with the Flash season 4 I will do so. Also, I didn’t really know where to put this because it just did not seem right but I saw this meme. (Couldn’t find it though) and I thought it was hilarious and so true. So basically it goes “Riverdale, the town where milkshakes are 0 calories” and I found this hilarious because they are always drinking milkshakes and so far the only one we know who works out is Archie. Anyways I’ll end it there. Cheer.
P.S. Did you know that Polly and Jason wherein the same class and Cheryl and Betty are in the same class and Cheryl is Jason's twin sister, but Polly is older than Betty.
And now...some memes
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