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World Cup 2018 Opinions (Go Germany even though they are already out)
The 2018 World Cup began a little over 2 weeks ago on June 14 and is being held in Russia. Now I’m not a BIG soccer fan or football fan, whatever you want to call it, as in I don’t have the jerseys and the big accessories and the face paint and what not. I just like watching the games. And if you couldn’t tell already from my other post, I was rooting for Germany, but sadly they are out. And I am not rooting for them just because they won the 2014 world cup okay. I just really like the team and what not. It’s like, have you ever just watched a random basketball or baseball game and you just start rooting for a certain team to win even though you have no idea what their skill level or the team name is. That's kind of what I’m talking about. The last time the world cup came on I was about 8 years old and my dad and I just rooted for Germany the whole time. Anyways, who do I think will win this years world cup. There are some pretty good teams. For example Mexico. They beat Germany and South Korea. And even though they lost to Sweden, they are still going on because South Korea beat Germany. So Sweden and Mexico are going. Russia this year has also been pretty good. They beat Saudi Arabia 5-0 for the first game. And then beat Egypt, but then lost to Uruguay. And Uruguay also hasn’t had any losts in this world cup so far. Belgium has also had no losts and are really good as well. In their last match they got 5 goals. Now 5 points in basketball or something else is like really bad. But for the world cup or soccer in general, that's pretty good if you ask me. I would actually really like to see a match between Belgium and Mexico. These 2 teams have been doing great so far but I really want to know who would win. Will Belgium have a full blow out like the last game they did and have 4 or 5 points, or will Mexico ruin Belgium's winning streak with a 1 to nothing win. Also most of you don’t care BUT I’M SAYING IT ANYWAYS, but I am really sad that Iceland is out. As well as Panama, I’m glad they at least made it to the world cup. That's a victory to celebrate on its own. So now there are only 16 more teams left. A team I didn’t really talk about that I am rooting for is Switzerland. They have done pretty good so far and will hopefully beat some more teams. With that being said, I’m gonna close off here. I will be doing a post on the finals and everything on July 15, so you can come back on that day to see my thoughts and reactions of this. I will see you guys tomorrow, so make sure you subscribe and follow me or whatever, I don’t really care. See y'all tomorrow.
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