2018 Fifa World Cup Third Place Play-Off

So for today and tomorrow, I will be writing a reaction sort of post.  Kind of like what I did with the Flash post I am writing my opinions before the game and then what I thought about the game and the winners and everything after the game.  Also before I forget tomorrow I will be posting at 3 as well since tomorrow is the finals and I will be posting on that.

Before the Game-  So England and Belgium are playing off for third place.  New England has won 4 games in this World Cup so far and Belgium has won 5 games so far.  So who do I think will win?  I think that Belgium has a pretty good chance of winning actually.  Belgium has done pretty well so far, and back in the group game stage Belgium actually did beat England 1-0.  Comparing that to other matches so far it does seem like England is doing well though, I think Belgium might have a challenge because if you were to compare that game to others (exactly what I kinda did) when Belgium wins it's usually a 6-3 huge difference thing.  Except when they went up against England, it was a 1-0.  Which makes me think that England can have a chance at winning third place.

After the Game-  Okay so I was right, Belgium did win.  The final score was 2-0, Belgium with 2 and England not scoring a goal at all.  This game was really interesting though, both teams were playing good both defence and offence.  England came close to scoring quite a lot too.  In 3 minutes and something seconds, Belgium had their first goal, then in 82 minutes, they got another goal.  One of my favourite moments from the game was when the #4 jersey dude from England (great job explaining Medha) was about to make a goal, the goalie had fallen or something, the ball was about to go in the net and then #2 from Belgium kicked it backwards last minute.  That was really cool in my opinion, well except if you were rooting for England that is. 

Well that's it for today and I will be writing about tomorrow's game as well, and I will post that at 3:00 P.M as well.  So subscribe and share and all that jazz, and comment who you wanted to win or who you want to win tomorrow's game.  So bye for now and I will see y' all tomorrow. 


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