Okay so I have one younger brother who is 4 years old (turns 5 next March) and is the devil disguised as an angel. AND I AM NOT LYING WHEN I SAY THAT!!! I have been doing very important research and digging (aka looking after him and babysitting) and this is the only conclusion I have found. So for today's topic. . .SIBLINGS. (cue dramatic music) Siblings, where should I begin, to start of, if you are the only child who just got a little brother...good luck with that. When I was about 8 years old my brother was born. The first few months of this was great you know. He was really cute and I got to help around and take care of him. Well don’t be fooled by the cuteness and adorable little child, BECAUSE THEY ARE MONSTERS I TELL YOU, MONSTERS!!! They want to run around and play all the time and are so hard to take care of. And don’t even get me started on them walking for the first time. It’s terrible, they run around like crazy and cry and everything else in between. As they start growing up it becomes worst and worst, and not only because your friends like you sibling more then you. There is hair pulling and slapping. My brother is 4 years old right now and can he has discovered something new. You want to know what he discovered, it's called blaming people. And you might have heard this before in cartoons and what not of the little children breaking something and blaming it on their older sibling and you might be thinking, “Medha your being a bit dramatic, your brother doesn’t do that, it’s just comedy, it isn’t real” your right, he doesn’t blame everything on me, he blames my parents too. No joke, the other day he was drawing on this piece of paper and then ripped it into shreds and threw it on the ground, then he blamed my dad for doing that. Now I don’t think all younger siblings are like this, and I think boys are usually the most hyper ones. I’m pretty sure that girls actually act a lot nicer and calmer than boys. Like me as a baby compared to my brother, I was a lot calmer and quite, unlike my brother who screams all the time. Now that’s just younger siblings. What about older sibling? I am the oldest out of my brother and myself, so I am not sure what older siblings are like, but I mean we are the best and favorite child. Totally unbiased and fair statement. Okay so we may be a little grumpy and controlling, but HE’S THE ONE THAT STARTED IT!!! I am only mean and controlling because my brother won’t shut up about a cartoon that he watches and that I am totally uninterested to hear about. So it isn’t my fault. Also can I just say, younger siblings get things way before the older one did. Like I got my first phone around forth or fifth grade (I actually got one when I was in second grade but it was a blackberry and you could only call people and my parents didn’t even put a number on it so it doesn’t really count) so my brother goes up to my parents this one day and goes “Can I have a phone?” and you know what they said, “maybe when your about 6 or 7 years old” I was about 10 when I got my first phone. Oh and not to mention the unfair rule of hurting little kids. My brother will punch, kick, and slap me and nothing would happen, I lay a finger on him and he starts crying and my parents go on and on, on this lecture of him being little and not understanding anything and how he is younger and weaker and whatever. And like I said earlier, HE STARTED IT!!! Totally unfair.
So anyways hope you enjoyed me ranting about having a brother, but I mean it isn’t all bad. Coarse we hate each other because of just petty little stuff but he’s fine honestly. And we’ll grow out of it as time moves forward so it’s not that big of a deal. So share this post, comment, subscribe, and whatever else you want to. Or you can just come back every Saturday and Sunday at 12. That is usually the time that I post. Anyways, goodbye and I’ll see y'all tomorrow.
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