
Alright, so I'm gonna start by saying...ALL THE TEAMS I WAS ROOTING FOR ARE OUT OF THE WORLD CUP AND I AM SO SAD!!!  So the only teams left are Belgium, England, Croatia, and France.  And honestly, I don't know who to root for.  I like France tho, I actually know how to say a few words in French so to all everyone out there who can understand French, Bonjour, Comment vas-tu. uh…..J'aime les chats.  So for the summer challenge, I have so far read one Twilight book and almost finished the other.  I watched the Hunger Games movies as well.  And a few different other T.V shows.  I watched ShadowHunters and A Secret Life of the American Teenager.  I have also started to spend a little more alone time with myself.  Doing so has actually made me much happier.  I get to know myself a little better.  It's weird, I feel so alone with people around me and much happier when I am alone.  So, for now, my daily schedule consists of waking up, doing yoga, showering, eating breakfast and reading.  Also, I have a little surprise I don't want to revile just yet and you might have to wait a few months actually and it might not be approved so you'll just have to wait and see!!!  But it is good news, sort of, it has a down side though.  Also totally unrelated but KYLIE RAE HALL LIKED MY COMMENT ON YOUTUBE.  She is a YouTuber.


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