Why Summer is TERRIBLE.

Okay so don't get me wrong, I love summer.  You get to do whatever you want, not have to stress about an upcoming math test and whatever else.  But with that being said, Summer also has its downsides.  And these are the reasons why summer is TERRIBLE.
  • You have nothing to do
  • It's hot outside
  • You get sun burned
  • You sweat like crazy
  • All your friends are on vacation
  • You have no friends
  • You're stuck indoors 
  • You can't go anywhere fun
  • You have no money to even go anywhere
  • You don't get invited to any hangouts
  • You can't see your friends most of the times
  • None of your friends can hangout together
  • More mosquitos
  • More itching because of mosquitos
  • Summer school
  • Summer class (swimming classes, piano classes, that sort of thing)
  • Reminder that you have no life
  • Weather that is horrible for your skin
  • Always have to put your hair in a pony tail (for people with long hair)
  • Become way more lazy
Well that's it for today, and don't get me wrong I love summer, there is a lot of things that I can do during summer, but there are a few downsides. (20 I came up with, but who's counting?)  So anyways, subscribe, share, and leave a comment, and I will see you all next week.  Goodbye.


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