Cervena Scene 2

Here is Scene 2/part 2 of the play, enjoy!  It's kinda short.  Same things I said in the other post apply to this, constructive criticism is allowed and I would like some feedback.

Scene 2 

(Mirrir walks into the living room and sits next to Serenity) 

Mirrir: Are you doing anything tonight? 

Serenity: Reading 

Mirrir: Will you stop reading that book, it’s not even that good 

(Cassie and Nevinny walk in) 

Nevinny: Hey what are you guys talking about? 

Serenity: Not that good?  What are you talking about.  It’s pretty realistic to me. 

Mirrir:  Ghosts aren't real 

Serenity: (rolls her eyes) What if the ghost represents something else 

Mirrir: Like what 

Serenity: Like your demons, what if it kind of represents King Cladius’s guilt for killing his brother, and the ghost is like he’s haunting past catching up to him 

Nevinny: That’s a good theory actually 

Cassie: Is it bad that I haven’t read Hamlet yet 

Nevinny: I actually haven’t either, just read a lot of summaries about it and stuff 

Mirrir:  Nonsence, did Claudius look like he truthfully regretted what he did 

Serenity: (smiles creepily)  So you have read Hamlet before, and it looks like you show a favoritism towards the king's character in particular. 

Mirrir: Yes, and it was the worst thing I had ever read 

Nevinny: um, hey is it okay if Cassie and I make a quick trip to the mall 

Serenity: How come? 

Mirrir: Like I said, it was just silly 

Cassie: Okay, we’ll just leave then 

(Cassie and Nevinny leave) 

Serenity: But it is really interesting if you ask me.  I mean Claudius kills his brother and not to mention, he manipulates the queen in thinking he cares for her, when in reality, he had other motives for marrying her 

Mirrir: He must have his reasons for doing what he did 

Serenity:  Or he’s just a total psycho (smiles creepily, again) 

Mirrir says scene 


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