Book Review- Clique Bait by Ann Valett

Hello everybody.  So, as part of my summer challenge, one goal of mine is to read more.  Every day, I have challenged myself to read at least 20-30 minutes a day and so far, I have finished reading about 2 books, Clique Bait being one of them.  Now, a few people on wattpad had recommended me to read this because it was a good book, so I gave it a try and today I decided to write a post on it.  This book is on wattpad and if you decide to read it, then you would have to go on the app or website to do so.  Fortunately, while I was on the author's Instagram page, I discovered that next year Harperteen will be publishing the book.   

Payment is usually a part of a basic transaction. You give and then you take. But, at Arlington Preparatory, people take at their leisure. They take their entertainment in the form of humiliation. They get what they want at the expense of their pawns. But they never pay.

Chloe Whittaker has a hit list. But not exactly the murder kind.
After her best friend is ripped from Arlington, punished for her fascination with climbing the hierarchy, she knows she has to end them. One by one.
Revenge is sweet, and inflicting it is even sweeter. Only, what if someone she's determined to destroy, starts to win over her heart?
That is the summary we get on the book. To give a bit of context, Chloe Whittaker, the main character, has a list of people she wants revenge on. The people on this list all have something to do with why her best friend is gone. As her plan starts to take action tho, she finds out a lot of secrets about these people. The story has so many twists and turns throughout it and the character development is fantastic. Throughout the whole story, Chloe's personal views start changing little by little, and I loved how the author did it. While reading, I didn't realize how much Chloe had changed until a major event played out. Not just Chloe either, all the characters in the book were so much more than just good or evil. Many times, I felt myself sympathizing from the antagonist. All the characters had some sort of backstory and I could tell that the author put a lot of thought into each one of them. In every chapter, there is a letter. The letters were from either Chloe or Monica. Monica being her best friend. Through these letters, the readers are trying to guess what really happened to Monica. See, we don't get told what happened to Monica and how these people are really involved in her downfall until the climax of the story. So until then, we are left conspiring on what might have happened to her. One thing I learned while reading this was about loneliness and vulnerability. To the outside world, she looks strong and intimidating, sometimes even heartless or cold. But then you get to know her and you realize how lonely she actually is and how vulnerable she is. One thing Chloe deals within the book is learning how to move on and live without Monica in her life. She rejected everything just for her revenge plan and tore herself down for it. One thing that I noticed Chloe kept saying in the book is how if they were in an alternate universe, then things would have gone differently, but in this world, things were too complex for it to go that way. I found that very interesting and it went well with how the story wasn't just black and white. There wasn't a 'good guy' or 'bad guy'. Everyone was complex and it showed how reality was. Nobody is just a protagonist or antagonist, our emotions and feelings aren't black or white, and that's what I enjoyed about this book. It was a story of a flawed girl who wasn't good or bad.


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