2018 Fifa World Cup Finals
Okay so today was the World Cup finals. And when I mean was, hi this is Medha from the past because it hasn't happened yet (this is Medha editing, reading this saying it is from the past when I think I am writing this from the future but when you read it is just the past...what???). In fact it is Thursday, the 12th. Anyways today I will be doing a my thought of before the game and my thought after the game type of post.
Before Game- So the two teams that are going to the finals are Croatia and France. So who do I think is going to win? I feel like France is going to win, but again Croatia is really good, but so is France. AAAHHHHH!!!! So I am rooting for France to win okay, La France va gagner...hopefully. Throughout this world cup France has won 5 of their games, Croatia has won 6. Now in history the last time France won was in 1998 which was the only World Cup they won (still better then the U.S) and from the research I did, I don't think Croatia has actually won, I might be wrong, but since they where part by Yugoslavia, Croatia has gone to the World Cup 5 different times since 1998 until now. And I am pretty sure that in 1998 Croatia actually got out of the world cup in the Semi finals (wait for it) when they lost to France. So if Croatia where to win, this would kinda be like revenge. Which to me it is really impressive that they made it to the Semi Finals the first time they entered.
After Game- France won the world cup today, the finishing score was 4-2. It was an incredible game, and the ceremony where everyone got their medals and the trophy was handed out was amazing. So France scored 2 goals in the first half and 2 in the second. Croatia scored 1 in the first and another in the second. From what I remember most of the goals scored in this game was from free kicks, and one that basically backfired on the goalie...I'll explain. So you know how sometimes a player kicks the ball to the goalie so the goalie can hit it far, well that was what France was doing, a player kicked the soccer ball to the goalie and the goalie was about to kick it when a player from Croatia's team kicked the ball into the net and scored Croatia's second goal. Man, you should have seen the goalie's face after that, it was hilariousđŸ˜‚ and then after when the French soccer player kicked the ball back to the goalie, a Croatian player was running towards the goalie right, so the goalie just picked up the ball so that the same thing wouldn't happen again. Both teams played really well tho. The game was really intense and they both played well defense and offense. Oh and this isn't really important but it started raining after the game ended, I just thought that I should include that. But Croatia was really good, if they had won, this would be their first world cup win.
Well that's all I have to say about the world cup, anyways subscribe, share, and comment who you wanted to win the world cup and who you think might win the world cup in 2022? I will see you guys on Tuesday and goodbye!
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