
So a few days ago, my friend got braces and was complaining about them.  Her complaining and talking about braces reminded me of last year when I got braces for the first time.  In other words, I have braces.  I got them around the end of June in 2017 so it has been a little over a year since I got them.  So I will be talking about me and my experience with braces so far and answer some questions that a lot of people ask.  To start off, do they hurt?  When I first got braces, dear lord it felt TERRIBLE...for the first few days.  I couldn’t really eat anything except yoghurt and water.  I could barely move my mouth.  But then I got used to them little by little and now, I don’t even notice them at all.  After you get used to them you get a check-up every few weeks or so where they change the colours, add new wires and whatnot into your mouth, and some other stuff, basically it was an update checkup sort of thing.  When I came back for the update checkup for the first few times, they kept adding stuff and whatever and this really hurt, but then as time went by, all they did was change the colours of the braces.  I should also explain a bit about the colours.  Most of you already know how there are colours you can choose to hook onto this weird wire thing or whatever, and for the longest time EVERYONE would ask me the same old question when they saw that I had braces and the mostly went like this, “What colours are your braces?” “Oh, you should get Dodger colours on them?”  “Why did you choose the colour black for your braces?”  Like first of all, DON’T JUDGE ME!!!  If I am gonna choose to go with the colour black THEN LET ME BE.  Second of all, what's the big idea of colours?  Why do people care so much about what colour my braces are, I mean it’s not a big deal, yeah sure when I grow up I will look back at pictures of me with my braces and be like  “what was I thinking back then?” but for now JUST LET ME BE.  And third of all, I’m an Angels fan, okay, so if I were to choose colours to represent a team it would be red and white or something like that, or Blue and yellow (go Warriors), or Orange and….Blue, I think.  What are the colours for the Denver Broncos, Orange and Blue or Orange and white or am I completely wrong?  Anyways I should also mention that I did not know I could get two colours until like January.  Then after your first checkup, they give you this whole talk on not eating any hard food or any cold food….I write this while eating ice cream.  So that talk clearly didn’t work.  But there is one thing I want to talk about the most.  And that my friends are flossing my teeth.  Flossing for me took about a few minutes before I got braces after I got braces, IT TOOK ME A FEW HOURS!!!  It took me a few days to even know how to actually do it correctly.  Basically, there these plastic sewing needle type things where you put the floss string through and stop halfway and put it in and out of the wires and metal in your mouth and floss your teeth.
Alright so that's it for today, I will talk to you all on Tuesday for another update on my summer challenge.  Subscribe, share, and whatever else your supposed to do on this thing and I’ll see you all very soon.


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