FAKE Sports Fan

So I would like to start this off by saying I'm a huge sports fan. . .meaning I like watching sports, not playing it.  So if anyone where to ask me to watch a football game (NFL not Soccer) with them I would understand what was happening in the game and know the teams because I actually watch football games (go Broncos) and know how to play football but won't because, pfft, GO OUTSIDE!!!  IN THE SUN, no thanks.  My point is, I actually know something about sports.  But then ever so often you run into people who think they know about a sport.  And today I will be talking (A.K.A. ranting) about fake sport fans.  Now I am a Warriors fan and the Warriors are a pretty good team.  They have made it to the finals for the past two or three years and have won a lot of those finals.  With that being said, they are a good team.  And I some times come across people who will pretend they are huge fans and have been huge fans for like a really long time.  Then you ask them questions like who is your favorite player or what they think of the Cavaliers and then they are just all like what the hell are you talking about.  This what I am about to tell you is a true story by the way.  So this one day I was at the park. My parents and some of their friends where having a nice little picnic.  And there was this other group of people who where having a birthday party as well.  So the kids from the party where on the playground, and I noticed a lot of the kids where wearing sports jerseys, then I noticed this dude wearing a Broncos jersey, Peyton Manning.  So I was like "Hey are you a Broncos fan too?"  and you know what he said.  YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE SAID!!!  He was like "Uhhhh….What's that?"  And I was like "Oh its the jersey your wearing, the Denver Broncos," and he was like "Oh that, yeah no I just bought this because my aunt told me to wear a sports jersey here,"  First of  all, if you're gonna wear a jersey, you have to at least know what the team is.  And it shouldn't be that hard considering that the name of the team is on the jersey.  Second of all, if someone tells you to wear a jersey, why not just wear one of a team you know of.

Okay so that was me ranting about fake people, so subscribe, comment, and share and whatever else.  One other thing, my friends and I worked on this story called Hide and Seek.  And if you click on that then you will go to the story.  So anyways goodbye and I will see you guys soon.  


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