Happy 4th of July!

Hey guys, I know this is different since I usually always post on Saturdays, Sundays, and sometimes Tuesdays.  But today, me and my friend Brianna wanted to wish all of you who lived in the U.S a Happy 4th of July What’s up my dudes. Guess who it is?! Yup, it’s your buddy, … Brianna. So Medha and I have been talking and we have been talking about a collab. AND since it is the 4th of July this post might or might not be special. YEAH!!! (cue finger guns at the audience) .So happy Independence day to all of you, and to anyone else from wherever you are where we celebrate…FREEDOM FROM GREAT BRITAIN DAY!!! WOOHOO! Children who don’t know what Great Britain is IT’S OK! Cuz it’s less learning for you, and IT’S SUMMER! Go to the beach. Cook up a BBQ. Invite me. Ride some waves! Gnarly dude. Anyways you get the point go……. Do stuff. After reading this some of you will just keep on playing video games, but my advice is MAN GET YOUR BUTT OUTSIDE! Then again I’m not one to talk, I favour being inside. Well, I hope you all have a nice Independence or Canada day, and if you celebrate something else feel free to tell me what you celebrate in the comments. Thank you, Brianna, for helping me with this post, she actually has a blog too so you can check that out by clicking here. And by the way, Brianna and I will be starting a little series with posts on both her and my blog so be on the lookout for those. Anyways have an amazing rest of the day and see you all on Saturday.


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