Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1
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Alice, (Purple) Jasper, (2nd person on the left) Esme,
(Gray dress) and Carlisle (Person on far right.
Okay so this may be the last part of Twilight, depending on how long it gets. AnYwAyS, here is Twilight Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. So today we will be talking about Breaking Dawn. The last book in the series (excluding The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Life and Death, Midnight Sun, and the guides and everything else I forgot to mention)and this book review may have to be split in 2 because it is longer than the other books. Also please while you are at it, subscribe, comment, share and check one of the reactions if you want. Also now you can even follow the blog, to do so just click here. So anyways here is my review of Breaking Dawn.
So this book starts of with Bella being an antisocial freak. Just kidding. So she agrees to marry Edward, and then he bought or rented a really expensive before car. Meaning that after they get married he would buy her an after car. So Bella goes to Charlie's house to tell him that she is getting married. And Edward is with her. She tells Charlie and Charlie laughs and says "wait till you tell your mother" meaning her mother would be mad. Well she told her mother and her mother was actually okay with it an extremely happy. And Jacob ran away from home by the way. So he didn't attend the wedding. The wedding happened and that night they went on their honeymoon, which Edward didn't tell Bella where they where going. So first they airplane lands in Texas then they take another flight and end up in Puerto Rico or somewhere in South America. Then they took a boat trip to Esme Island. An island Carlisle bought for Esme, which they where aloud to stay at thanks to Esme. So they arrive and whatever, the servant thinks Edward is trying to kill Bella, they do the Devils Tango,(if you know what that means hen either you're just smart, or you watched to many of Alex Mayer's YouTube videos)oh and Bella gets pregnant and the baby is killing her.
To Be Continued...
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